TM 10-4130-240-13&PC.................................................Operator/CrewO.................................................Unit MaintenanceF .................................................Direct Support MaintenanceH.................................................General Support MaintenanceD.................................................Depot Maintenancee.Column5.ToolsandEquipment. Column 5 specifies, by code, those common tool sets (not individual tools) andspecial tools, TMDE, and support equipment required to perform the designated function.f.Column6.Remarks. This column shall, when applicable, contain a letter code, in alphabetic order, which shall bekeyed to the remarks contained in section IV.B-4. Explanation Of Columns In Tool And Test Equipment Requirements, Section III.a.Column1.ReferenceCode. The tool and test equipment reference code correlates with a code used in the MAC,section II, column 5.b.Column2.MaintenanceCategory. The lowest category of maintenance authorized to use the tool or testequipment.c.Column3.Nomenclature. Name or identification of the tool or test equipment.d.Column4.NationalStockNumber. The National stock number of the tool or test equipment.e.Column5.ToolNumber. The manufacturer’s part number.B-5. Explanation Of Columns In Remarks, Section IV.a.Column1.ReferenceCode. The code recorded in column 6, Section II.b.Column2.Remarks. This column lists information pertinent to the maintenance function being performed asindicated in the MAC, section II.SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)GROUP MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CATEGORY TOOLS ANDNUMBER COMPONENT ASSEMBLY FUNCTION C O F H D EQUIPMENT REMARKS01 COOLER WATER 30 GPH INSPCET 0.1REPLACE 1.0REPAIR 2.0 1,2,3B-3
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