TM 104320-345-134-27. PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE REPAIR - cont.Disassemble Pressure Regulating Valve. Refer to figure 4-19.(20)Mark and record alinement of cover (4) with body (20).(21)Remove plug(l) from cover (4).(22)Screw 3/4-inch eyebolt (2) into hole in cover (4).(23)Connect lifting device to eyebolt (2).WARNINGTo prevent injury to personnel, remove cover slowly to release spring tension.(24)Remove eight nuts (1) from cover (4).CAUTIONTo prevent damage to bearing cover or valve stem, pull cover straight up from body.(25)Using Lifting device, lift cover (4) off valve body (20). If cover is stuck, use a hammer and bluntchisel to drive cover up off body by tapping upward around edge of cover.(26)If required, remove cover bearing (6) from cover (4).(27)Remove spring (7) from top of stem (15).CAUTIONTo prevent damage to stem or seat, pull stem straight up from body.(28)Remove assembled diaphragm (5) from body (20).CAUTIONTo prevent damage to stem, use vice that has soft brass jaws.(29)Secure end of stem (15) (opposite end of nut (8)) in vice.(30)Remove nut (8), diaphragm washer (9) and diaphragm (10) from stem (15).(31)Remove disc retainer (11) and disc (12) from stem (15) Using screwdriver, separate disc retainerfrom disc.(32)Remove spacer washer (13) and disc guide (14) from stem (15).(33)If required, remove seat (16) and packing (17) from body (20).(34)Remove plug (18) from cover (4).(35)Remove two plugs (19) from body (20).4-62
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