TM 10-4320-345-13
Lay Hoseline (Flaking Box Assemblies)
Hoses required to assemble the 10-mile hoseline are stowed in 64 flaking boxes Each
flaking box contains two 6-inch x 500 foot discharge hoses joined by a coupling clamp
Installation of the full 10-mile segment will require deployment of all flaking boxes.
Use enough hoseline to provide slack so that connections to pumping stations and storage
assemblies can be made easily.
A maximum of four flaking boxes may be loaded onto a 2-1/2 ton cargo truck. Flaking
boxes can be loaded onto the truck using a forklift or they may be hoisted using the lifting
sling supplied with the system
Crew Requirements Refer to figure 2-17.
A minimum of two cargo trucks with crews of five men each is recommended for hose
laying operations Crews alternate between laying hose and reloading trucks. Task
assignments for each crew-member are as follows.
Supervisor. One supervisor is required per truck to over-see hose laying operations.
Driver. One driver is needed to operate each cargo truck.
Assistant Driver. An assistant driver is required to observe hose laying operation
and direct driver to speed up, slow down, or stop depending on line walkers laying
hose line.
(d) Linewalkers. A minimum of two linewalkers are needed to follow behind each
truck straightening out kinks or bends in the hoseline, removing obstructions in
the hose route, positioning hoseline away from the roadway and installing hoseline
swivels. Installation of suspension assemblies and road crossing guards may
require additional personnel.