TM 10-4610-242-13
General. The 300K water distribution system described in this manual is configured for maximum storage and
distribution capacity. Your operating requirements will determine how many of the system components must be
connected and in what configuration. Additional components are available in the accessory kit to adapt the
system to varying site and operational needs. Water is supplied to the 300K system by the Tactical Water
Distribution System pipeline or other source.
350 and 125 GPM Pump Connection Kits (Water Source). Water is supplied to the 350 GPM pump connection
kit through a trunk line or external water source. The 350 gpm kit draws water from the source and pumps it
through the dual tank connection kits to the 20K collapsible tanks.
The 350 and 125 gpm water pumps are connected in parallel and provide the required water flow to the dual tank
connection kit. When water demand is less than the capacity of both pumps, one pump can be shut down and
the related pump valves closed. A check valve installed on the discharge side of the 125 gpm pump prevents
back flow and recirculation of water In the 350 gpm kit when the 125 gpm pump is shutdown. For detailed water
pump principles of operation, refer to the applicable TMs for the 125 and 350 gpm pumps.
Water from the 350 gpm kit is measured by the water meter assembly. A dial on top of the meter indicates the
total number of gallons that have flowed through the meter since in operation. The meter cannot be reset Initial
meter indications at startup must be recorded, then subtracted from the total water flow measurement to get the
net (current) water flow.
Water discharging from the 350 gpm kit is treated with a hypochlorite solution by the hypochlorination unit. The
solution is injected into the water supply based on the water flow rate. The water supply must be tested and the
hypochlorination unit adjusted to provide the correct ratio of hypochlorite solution as required by medical
personnel. Refer to the applicable TM for additional information on the hypochlorination unit.
Dual Tank Connection Kit. Water flow from the 350 gpm connection kit to the 20K collapsible water tanks is
controlled by opening or dosing the gate valves on the inlet (fill) side of the dual tank connection kit. The tanks
may be filled at the same time or filled separately, depending on the operating requirements. Water is stored in
the tanks until needed, then gate valves on the discharge side of the dual tank connection kit are opened to allow
water flow form the tanks.
4-Inch Interconnection Kit. The interconnection kit joins the inlet (fill) hoses of the dual tank connection kits to
permit water transfer between two rows of tanks.
350 and 125 GPM Pump Connection Kits (Water Dispensing Point). Water flows from the storage tanks, through
the dual tank connection kits, to the suction side of the second 350 gpm and 125 pump connection kits located at
the water dispensing point. The pumps are connected in parallel and supply water on demand at a rate
determined by the nozzles, discharge hoses, or bag filler connections.