TM10-5430-229-13&P1-7. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Allabbreviations use within this technical manual conform to the standard military ab-breviations found in MIL-STD-12, Abbreviations for Use on Drawings, and in Specifications, Standards, and TechnicalDocuments.Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA1-8. EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES.a.CharacteristicsandCapabilities. The WTSC is designed to provide storage for 50,000 gallon and 20,000gallon water tanks and has the following major characteristics and capabilities.(1)Capable of storing one 50,000 gallon water tank assembly or two 20,000 gallon water tank assemblies forstorage or shipment.(2)Lightweight skid constructed of high strength aluminum alloy.(3)Top cover, side panels, and end panels are constructed of fiberglass reinforced plywood material.b.Features. The WTSC has the following major features.(1)Recessed handle assemblies on the top cover for removal of the top cover.(2)Hoisting straps and tie-down straps are furnished for holding the water tank in place and for removing thewater tank from the storage chest.(3)The skid is equipped with cargo rings to allow the storage chest to be secured during transportation onflatbed trailers, rail cars, and aircraft.(4)Latches on the side panel channel assemblies are provided for securing the top cover to the side panel as-semblies and the skid is equipped with locking pin assemblies to secure the side panel channel assemblies to the skid.1-9. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS. The following major components of the WTSC aredescribed below and are located as shown on Figure 1-2.a.HoistingStraps(1). Four hoisting straps are provided to allow the water storage tank to be hoisted away fromthe WTSC.b.Side Panel Assemblies (2) and End Panel Assemblies (3). The side panel assemblies and the end panelassemblies provide the structure required to contain the water storage tank on the skid assembly.c.SkidAssembly(4). All of the above components are mounted onto the skid assembly which acts as the pri-mary carrying structure for the water storage tank assembly.d.Tie-DownStraps(5).Four tie-down straps are furnished to secure the water storage tank inside the WTSCduring storage and shipment.e.TopCoverAssembly(6).The top cover assembly provides the final covering for the water tankstored inside the storage chest.1-2
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