TM 5-3820-256-10
Grasp clutch handle firmly.
While pushing on the top with your thumb for leverage, lift up until the pin clears the latching slot.
Do not attempt to disengage with a load on the winch. Death or injury could result.
Unlatch handle and push to the FREE WIND position to disengage clutch.
Fully insert pin into latching slot.
Winch Operating Procedures.
Unlatch the winch clutch and set it to the FREE WIND position.
Unhook tail chain from the ring under winch frame and manually free wind out enough cable to connect to a
selected anchor point.
Normally, the winch is used to assist the rig tender or the drilling rig over extremely rough terrain, up or
down steep inclines, and in other instances when either vehicle becomes immobile
When adequate anchoring is complete, shift the winch clutch handle to POWER WIND position and
continue to free wind winch approximately one-quarter turn or until the winch internal clutch jaws have
Start truck engine. With the truck clutch depressed and the transmission in neutral, engage the power
takeoff (2, Figure 2-23) and shift winch operating valve (2, Figure 2-22) to WIND position.
Release truck clutch and slowly take up the slack in cable.
With the operator remaining in the truck cab's seat, continue winching until the task is complete.
When finished, rewind the cable fully onto winch drum and rehook the tail chain into ring under winch frame.
Place the winch control to the center (OFF) position.
Power Take-Off. To operate the power take-off, proceed as follows:
Listen for unusual noises when engaging the powertake-off. It should not make loud noises or
screeching sounds It should not cause vibrations.