TM 5-3825-225-14&P
Use proper lifting equipment to remove engine assembly. Engine is heavy and
could injure personnel if it drops.
(9) Lift engine and pump from mounting platform.
b. Attached Component Removal (see Appendix F, Figure 47 and 48).
(1) Attach lifting equipment to water distributor pump.
(2) Remove water distributor pump (see paragraph 4-54).
(3) Remove engine cowling (5, Appendix F, Figure 47) from engine.
(4) Remove side panels (16).
(5) Remove auxiliary control panel from crossbrace (see paragraph 4-38).
(6) Remove throttle control valve from crossbrace (see paragraph 4-47).
(7) Remove cowling crossbraces (3 and 4, Appendix F, Figure 48)
(8) Remove exhaust muffler (see paragraph 4-49).
(9) Remove air cleaner assembly (see paragraph 4-44).
(10) Disconnect gage wiring from engine (see Figure 4-2).
(11) Remove end cowlings (1 and 9) from engine.
(12) Remove radiator assembly (see paragraph 4-50).
(13) Remove engine mounting brackets (8, 19, 26, and 31) and rails (16).
(14) Disconnect instrument panel (2, Appendix F, Figure 47) from end cowling (1, Appendix F, Figure 48).
(15) Remove gages from instrument panel (see paragraphs 4-14 and 4-15).
c. Attached Component Installation (see Appendix E Figures 47 and 48.
(1) Attach mounting brackets (8, 19, 26, and 31, Appendix F, Figure 48) and rails (16) to engine.
(2) Attach radiator assembly (see paragraph 4-50).
(3) Attach instrument panel (2, Appendix F, Figure 47) to end cowling (1, Appendix F, Figure 48).
(4) Attach gages to instrument panel (see paragraphs 4-14 and 4-15).
(5) Attach end cowlings (1 and 9) to engine mounting brackets.
(6) Attach air cleaner assembly to engine (see paragraph 4-44).
(7) Attach crossbraces (3 and 4) to cowlings (1 and 9).
(8) Attach auxiliary control panel to crossbrace (see paragraph 4-38).
(9) Attach throttle control valve to crossbrace (see paragraph 4-47).
(10) Attach side panels (16, Appendix F, Figure 47).
(11) Attach exhaust muffler (see paragraph 4-49).
(12) Attach engine cowling (5) to engine.
(13) Attach water distributor pump to engine (see paragraph 4-54).
d. Installation (see Appendix E, Figure 46).
Use proper lifting equipment to install engine assembly. Engine Is heavy and
could Injure personnel If it drops.
(1) Attach lifting equipment to lifting eyes and lift engine and pump into place on the mounting platform.
(2) Attach engine with screws (1, Appendix F, Figure 46), new lockwashers (3), and nuts (2).
(3) Connect water distributor plumbing to pump at discharge flange and butterfly valve (see Figure 2-5).
(4) Connect electrical line to engine cowling (see Figure 4-10).
(5) Connect battery cables to engine.