TM 08846A-13/1
(2) Using 125 GPM pump open regulator valve until meter reads 5 GPM.
(3) Using a stopwatch listen to Hypochlorinator pump. Within one minute it should make approximately
24 strokes which is coverted to 14 GPM.
Do not reset valves. Flow rate changes automatically with change in inlet flow
Hypochlorite solution can bleach clothing. Do not stand in front of the feeder
when clearing air from the feeder.
e. If feeder becomes air-bound loosen feeder hose at upper connection point temporarily turn in stroke
adjustment clockwise to fully closed position (100%). Allow air to escape from small vent hole in top of
pump and reset stroke adjustment to 50%.
Initial stroke setting of pump should be approximately 50%. Allow unit to
operate a few minutes and then take a water chlorine residual test. If chlorine
level is too high or low, perform the following steps.
f. Turn stroke adjustment down to 30% and allow unit to operate several minutes. Repeat chlorine level test
and dilute solution with untreated water and repeat chlorine level test.
g. If chlorine level is too low, increase stroke adjustment to 70% and repeat chlorine level test. Continue to
adjust stroke setting and testing until proper level is achieved.
Unit instruction plate is based on the use of calcium hypochlorite (70% available
chlorine). If not available 65% or 85% may be used in the same quantity as
specified on the instruction plate, but pump stroke setting will change.
h. If 65% available chlorine is used set pump stroke to 54% and if 85% available chlorine is used set pump
stroke to 42%.