This section includes testing operations after the system has been thoroughly check out for electrical malfunction
and all components are in a normal condition. Normal condition means all smoke modules are sealed in place
and the system has been placed in a normal operating condition. Furthermore, it means that all electrical
irregularities have been removed, all detector modules are in place and the suction blower is operating in a
normal fashion. Each smoke detector line should then be tested for correct operation using smoke.
Smoke testing must be carried out by two persons; one to note the results at the detector cabinet and one to
introduce smoke into the accumulators throughout the vessel.
Before commencing the smoke tests, make certain the 3-way valves are in the correct position with the handle
reading "Smoke Detector"
To perform smoke tests of the KMSD installation, it is recommended that a smoke test source be fabricated
similar to that illustrated in Figures 9-1 through 9-11.
Essentially, the tester consists of a cigarette holder arranged on the end of a long extendable tube with a rubber
ball at the other end for puffing the cigarette and a wire cage to surround the cigarette to prevent burning coals
from being dropped into the cargo space.
For the test, a preferably "king-sized", American-type cigarette is used. It should have a full diameter, no filter,
and be treated with combustion maintenance additives such as licorice or nitrates.
The cigarette should be lighted, placed in the holder, and the screen placed over it.
Additional sections of tubing are added to bring the cigarette in immediate proximity to the first smoke detector
accumulator to be tested. It may be necessary to puff the cigarette with the bulb to keep it burning during this
It is necessary for the operator of the smoke tester to carry a portable light so that smoke entering the
accumulator may be observed.