TM 55-1930-209-14&P-17
If power failure was only problem, smoke detector system is now operational.
When any supervised item in ZONE TROUBLE fails, amber TROUBLE indicator
lights on smoke detector cabinet go on and trouble buzzer sounds. Individual
amber lights in ZONE TROUBLE also come on indicating specific trouble.
soon as buzzer sounds, make sure amber TROUBLE indicator light comes on.
Check the following amber indicator lights in TROUBLE ZONE to determine item causing trouble. Also check
amber TROUBLE indicator light of each individual void module to determine malfunctioning module:
Power supply no. 1
Power supply no. 2
Alarm bell
Main panel
Ground fault
Timer disconnect
Clock HI speed
Individual void modules
Silence buzzer by setting TROUBLE SILENCE/NORMAL switch to SILENCE.
Make sure amber TROUBLE indicator light goes out and amber TROUBLE ALARM SILENCE indicator light
comes on.
If power supply no. 1 or power supply no. 2 is source of trouble, panel
automatically switches to other power supply.
Determine item causing trouble, and troubleshoot according to paragraph 4-18.
As soon as trouble is eliminated, amber indicator light in TROUBLE ZONE and
TROUBLE indicator light(s) go out and trouble buzzer sounds.
Make sure amber indicator lights go out. Silence buzzer by setting TROUBLE SILENCE/NORMAL switch to
NORMAL. Make sure amber TROUBLE indicator light goes out and amber TROUBLE ALARM SILENCE
indicator comes on.
Smoke detector system is now operational.
4-11 Portable fire extinguishers
4-11.1 General. Most fires, with the exception of explosions, start small and can be extinguished within 2 minutes, if
attacked quickly and correctly. If fire involves fuel or electricity, turn off the source immediately.
4-11.2 Dry chemical portable extinguishers
Lift extinguisher from bracket keeping extinguisher upright. Any other position affects its performance and fire
may not be extinguished.
Continue to hold extinguisher upright, pull safety pin and free hose and nozzle from clamp.
Aim nozzle at base of fire, squeeze lever and sweep nozzle from side to side. Get as close to fire as possible. If
a breeze or draft is present in area, stay upwind of fire.
Slowly move closer to fire so discharge stream or cloud reaches all portions of burning area. If discharge stream
from extinguisher scatters burning material, move back until this scattering action stops. (Operator too dose to