TM 9-2330-267-14&P
4 - 6 6 . P R O C E D U R E S F O R C O M M O N C O M P O N E N T S A N D M I S C E L L A N E O U S I T E MS
b. Air Lines and Air Reservoir. Drain air lines and air reservoir of condensation and leave draincock open.
Attach a caution tag, annotated to provide for closing of draincock when equipment is exercised. Place tag in a
conspicuous location.
c. Seals. Seals may develop leaks during storage, or shortly thereafter. If leaking persists, refer to the
applicable maintenance section in this manual for corrective maintenance procedures.
Activation. Restore the equipment to normal operating condition in accordance with the instructions
contained in Chapter 4, Section Il.
b. Servicing. Resume the maintenance service schedule in effect at the commencement of storage, or
service the equipment before the scheduled dates in order to produce a staggered maintenance workload.
Refer to TM 55-200, TM 55-601, and TM 743-200-1 for additional instructions on processing, storage, and
shipment of materiel.
b. Trailers that have been removed from storage for shipment do not have to be reprocessed if they will reach
treir destination within the administrative storage period. Reprocess only if inspection reveals any corrosion, or if
anticipated in-transit weather conditions make it necessary
c. When a trailer is received and has already been processed for domestic shipment, as indicated on
DD Form 1397, the trailer does not have to be reprocessed for storage unless corrosion and deterioration are found
during the inspection upon receipt, List on SF 364 all discrepancies found because of poor preservation, packaging,
packing. marking, handling, loading, storage, or excessive preservation. Repairs that cannot be handled by the
receiving unit must have tags attached listing the needed repairs. A report of these conditions will be submitted by the
unit commander for action by an ordnance maintenance unit.
4-125/(4-126 Blank)