TM 10-4130-237-144-35.VEHICLE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTThis task covers:a. Testingc. Installationb. RemovalINITIALSETUPEquipmentConditionP a r aConditionDescription4-8Engine stopped, powerdisconnected, fuel linedisconnected, muffler andhousing removed.ToolsCommon No. 1OrganizationalMaintenance AutomotiveMaintenance and RepairShop Eqpt, item 2appendix BGeneral Mechanic’s Tool Kit,item 1, appendix Ba. Testing1 Using multimeter, check power cable for 12 volts. If correct voltage is present, go to step 2. If correctvoltage is not present, obtain correct voltage before going to next step.2 Connect power cable to 12/24 INPUT FOR STARTING connection.3 Using multimeter, check back of 12/24 input for starting connection for 12 volts. If correct voltage is notpresent replace receptacle.4-95
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business