TM 10-4610-242-13
Start and operate hypochlorination unit H1 Refer to the applicable TM.
Allow water to flow into tank T1 until full, or required amount of water is stored (refer to the applicable TM),
then close gate valve T1A.
(7) As required, open inlet gate valves T2A through T16A to fill tanks T2 through T16, then close gate valves
when tanks are full.
(8) When fill mode is complete, shutdown 350 gpm pump P1 ( refer to the applicable TM) and 125 gpm pump
P2 (refer to the applicable TM).
Discharge Mode Refer to figure 2-24.
(9) Open gate valves V5, V6, V7 and V8.
The following procedure describes discharge of water from collapsible water tank T1. Additional tanks, T2
through T16, may be discharged by opening their corresponding outlet gate valves (T2B through T16B).
Open outlet gate valve T1B on tank T1.
Start and operate hypochlorination unit H2 Refer to the applicable TM.
(12) Start and operate 125 gpm pump P4 Refer to the applicable TM.
(13) If additional pumping capacity is required, start and operate 350 gpm pump Refer to the applicable TM.
(14) To dispense water though 4-inch hose connection kits, proceed as follows:
Connect ends of butterfly valves V9B and V10B to water storage containers.
Open butterfly valves V9B and V10B.
Open quick acting valves V9A and V10A.
When storage containers are full, close gate quick acting valves V9A and V10A.
Close butterfly valves V9B and VI0B and disconnect valves from water storage containers.
(15) To dispense water through 2-inch hose connection kits, proceedas follows:
Connect end of dispensing hose to water storage container.
Open gate valves V 11 V12, V13 and V14.
When water storage containers are full, close gate valves V 11, V12, V13 and V14.