TM 10-5430-243-12&P
0019 00
0019 00-1
Change 1 28 April 2002
20,000 AND 50,000 GALLONS
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) are performed to keep the collapsible fabric water
tank assembly in operating condition. The checks are used to find, correct or report problems. Be sure to
perform PMCS each time you service the tank assembly. Using the PMCS table, always do PMCS in the
same order so it gets to be a habit. With practice, youll quickly spot anything wrong. Pay close attention
to WARNING and CAUTION statements. A WARNING means someone could be hurt. A CAUTION
means equipment could be damaged.
Before you use the tank assembly, do Before PMCS.
During tank use, do During PMCS.
After the tank assembly is used, do After PMCS.
Do Weekly PMCS once a week.
Do Quarterly PMCS once every three months.
Do Semi-annually PMCS once every six months.
If you find something wrong when performing PMCS, fix it if you can, using troubleshooting procedures
and/or maintenance procedures.
Use DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) to record any faults that you
discover before, during, or after operation, unless you can fix them. You do not need to record faults that
you fix. For further information on how to use DA Form 2404, see DA PAM 738-750.
PMCS Procedures
Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services, Table 1, lists the inspections and care required to
keep the water tank assembly in good operating condition.
The Interval column of Table 1 indicates when a certain check or service should be performed.
When a check and service procedure is required for both Before and Weekly intervals,
it is not necessary to perform the Weekly procedure during the same week in which the
Before procedure was done.
The Procedure column of Table 1 tells you how to do the required checks and services. Carefully follow
these instructions. When the procedure tells you to, notify your supervisor.
The Equipment Not Ready/Available If column of Table 1 tells you when and why your equipment
cannot be used.
PMCS Leakage Definitions
It is necessary for you to know how fluid leakage affects the status of the collapsible fabric water tank.
Following are types/causes of leakage you need to know to be able to determine the status of the
collapsible water tank. Learn these leakage definitions and remember when in doubt, notify your