TM 10-5430-243-12&P
0005 00
0005 00-13
Change 1
c. Go to the right side of the tank.
d. 1st Fold: Lift right side long edge of tank and fold over the folds made in folds #1 through #3 fold.
e. 2nd Fold: Lift up same edge as in Fold #4, and fold back over previous folds. Handles should be
facing upward along top edge of fold. (Pulling on these handles will open up the tank, due to the
wig-wag method of folding).
(For 20K Tanks only) Go to the upper edge of the tank. The tank is now folded into a long narrow
rectangle approximately 45 inches (114.3 cm) wide. Standing at the upper edge of the tank,
there will be a drain fitting on your left and handles on your right.
g. (For 20K and 50K Tank) Go to the upper edge of the tank. The tank is now folded into a long
narrow rectangle approximately 5 feet 6 inches (1.676 m) wide by 65 feet 6 inches (19.96 m)
long. Standing at the upper edge of the tank, there will be a drain fitting on your left and handles
on your right.
h. (All tanks) 1st Fold: Pick up the end edge of the tank and fold it over to just before the fitting
chafing patches, such that the fold measures approximately 4 feet 3 inches (1.295 m).
(20K Tank only) 2nd Fold: Fold the entire lower edge of the package up and on top of the upper
edge of the package. Go to Step 7.