TM 10-8110-201-14&PSection IV. REPAIR OF DRUM5-14. Applying Elastomera. Preparing Surface(1) Lightly scuff the surface with a rotary wire brushor suitable roughing tool.NOTEBe careful not to damage cord layer.b. Degrease Surface(1) Apply a small amount of denatured ethanol todegrease the surface.(2) Apply a coat of surface conditioner onto the preparedsurface with a brush. Apply as thin as possible. Let dry for2 hours.WARNINGSkin contact should be avoided by the use ofsuitable protective equipment as harmful orirritant effect may result.c. Combining the Reactive Components(1) Mix the Elastomer with the following mixing ratio:3 parts Base to 1 part Solidifier by volume.or2.3 parts Base to 1 part Solidfier by weight.NOTEComplete mixing is the most important step inthe use of Elastomer(2) After using part of the Basecomponent, the lid should be REPLACEDIMMEDIATELY tominimizetheriskofskinningandconsequentiallossof material.(3) Apply the Elastomer directlyontothepreparedsurfacewith aplasticapplicatoror spatula.Pressdown firmly to remove entrapped airandto ensure maximum contact withthe surface.NOTEFromthecommencement ofmixing,MP Elastomer mustbe used within 20 minutesat5°C (41°F), within 15minutes at15°C(59°F),andwithin10 minutes at25°C (77°F).5-14Change 3NOTEAll mixing and applicationtoolsshould becleanedimmediately after use.(4)Allowthreedays tocureproperly.NOTEOnce opened,the Elastomerwill havea limited shelflife of six months undernormal conditions of storageincorrectlysealedcontainers.Asurfaceskinmayresultduringthisperiod,butafterits removal,the remainingmaterialcanbeused inthe normal way.Containersmust be storedin a dryenvironment at a temperatureof not more than 30°C (86°F).5-15. Vulcanizing Part No. 13216E9170.a. Exterior Patch (Fuel Drums).(1) Clean damaged area of all contaminants and foreignmatter. Wash drum exterior with an approved detergentsolution.(2) Refer to figure 5-10 and buff damaged area; buffthe drum wall 5 inches (13cm) in each direction from tear.Remove dust and rewash with detergent solution.(3) Refer to figure 5-11 for typical patch pattern andprepare patch assembly as follows:(a) Cut first patch from 42153 stock. Cut patch largeenough to extend 3 inches (7.62cm) in all directions beyondbreak.(b) Cut second patch from 42153 stock. Cut patch 1/2inch (1.3cm) larger than first patch.(c) Cut a third patch from 42113 stock. Cut patch 1/2inch (1.3 cm) larger than second patch.NOTEUnder normal atmospheric conditions the cementwill dry in 2 to 3 minutes. Excessive humiditywill require longer drying time. Limit use of ap-plicator brush to 3918 cement. Do not use anapplicator brush in more than one type ofcement.
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