TM 10-8110-201-14&PFigure 5-14. Rolling and Stitching Patch(6) Apply one coat of 3985 cement to the re-maining side of the second patch and one coat ofcement to the first (small) patch. Allow cement todry.(7) Reactivate both cemented surfaces withfreshner No. C-3339 or MEK. Position the twocemented surfaces together, centering the smallerpatch on the large patch. Roll and stitchthoroughly.(8) Apply two coats of 3985 cement to areacleaned around break. Allow the cement to dry bet-ween coats.(9) Apply one coat of 3895 cement to the patchassembly. Apply to the underside of patch (withsmall patch affixed). Allow cement to dry.(10) Reactivate both cemented surfaces withfreshner No. C-3339 or MEK. Position patch onbreak and press in place. Roll and stitchthoroughly.(11) Apply one coat of 3985 cement around out-side edge of patch assembly. Allow cement to dry.c. Vulcanizing (Fuel Drums).Prior to vulcanizing, aerate the interiorof the drum with compressed air andcheck with an explosive meter (01575),Model (05HCS) or equivalent.(1) Position repair area in jawof cure unit so that repair area isfacing the heating element.(2) Slip a sheet of RM58B cloth inside drumimmediately under liner patch. Place a secondsheet immediately over exterior patch. Place a padunder the repair and close jaws of unit. Inflate unitbladder.(3) Cure for one hour and 15 minutes at 300° F(149° C) and cool under pressure for 45 minutes.(4) Deflate unit bladder and remove drum fromunit.(5) Suspend drum by one end and inspect in-terior and exterior of repaired area.(6) Remove all foreign matter, dust, flakes,etc., from drum interior with compressed air orwash thoroughly and dry.All data on pages 5-19 and 5-20, including Figure 5-15, deleted.5 - 1 8
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