TM 10-8110-201-14&P5-15. Vulcanizing Part No. 13216E9172.a. Exterior PatchCleaning solvent, TT-M-261D (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone), used in surface coatingsand in protective coatings is extremelyflammable and is potentially dangerousto personnel and property. Keep con-tainer closed. Use in a well-ventillatedarea as the fumes are dangerous if inhal-ed. Avoid repeated and prolonged skincontact. Flash point of solvent is 24° F(4.4° c).(1) Clean damaged area of all contaminantsand foreign matter. Wash with an approveddetergent solution.(2) Buff area to be repaired; buff the drum wall5 inches 13 cm) in each direction from tear.Remove dust and rewash with MEK (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone) solution.(3) Prepare patch assembly as follows:(a) Cut a patch from 42171 stock. Cut patchlarge enough to extend 3 inches (8 cm) from breakin all directions.(b) Cut second patch from 42171 stock. Cutpatch 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) larger than second patch.(c) Cut third patch from 42113 stock. Cutpatch 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) larger than second patch.(4) Apply one coat of 3895 cement to the cord-ed side of the third (large) patch and one coat to thesecond patch. Allow cement to dry.NOTEUnder normal atmospheric conditionsthe cement will dry in 2 to 3 minutes. Ex-cessive humidity will require longer dry-ing time. Use the applicator brush in onetype of cement only.(5) Position the two cemented surfacestogether, centering the smaller patch on the largepatch. Roll and stitch thoroughly.(6) Apply one coat of 3985 cement to the re-maining side of second patch and one coat of ce-ment to the first (small) patch. Allow cement to dryand position the two cemented surfaces together,centering the smaller patch on the larger patch (fig.5-12). Roll and stitch thoroughly.(7) Apply two coats of 3985 cement to the areaaround break (previously cleaned and buffed).Allow cement to dry between coats (fig. 5-13).(8) Apply one coat of 3895 cement to the patchassembly. Apply to side with small patch. Allow todry and position the two cemented surfacestogether at break area. Roll and stitch thoroughly(fig. 5-14).b. Interior Patch. Preparation for repair andpatch application is identical to the method outlin-ed in paragraph 5-14b.c. Vulcanizing. Vulcanizing procedure is iden-tical to methods outlined in paragraph 5-14c.5-16. DELETEDDELETED5-21
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