TM 10-8110-201-14&Pe.f.g.h.i.j.Install coupler valve.Install modified dust plug (fig. 5-16).Open coupler valve by turning handle to the left.Insert air nozzle on valve stem and inflate to 6 psig.Use standard air gage to determine air pressure.Install lifting yoke (fig. 5-17) and move drum toleak test station.5-18. DELETED5-19. Testing (All Drums).a. General. Testing is divided into two separate cate-gories: Pressure Testing and Hydrostatic Testing. Thesetests will be conducted as outlined in b below.b. Test Procedures.(1) Pressure Test.(a) Check all adapters and faucet valves toinsure that they are tight and properly seated.(b) Check all end plate capscrews to insure thatthey have been torqued to 30 foot pounds (4.54 m-kg).(c) Install the air inflation and gaging equip-ment (fig. 5-16) and inflate the drum to 6 psi (0.42 kg/sqcm).(d) Spray the inflated drum thoroughly with adetergent and water solution. After allowing a time lapseof approximately 5 minutes for normal expansion, add air,as required, to bring the internal pressure back to 6 psi (0.42kg/sq cm).(e) Inspect the drum surface and end playes forevidence of air leakage (frizzing or bubbling (fig. 5-18)).check the air pressure after a one hour time lapse and againafter a two hour time lapse. Any loss of pressure from theoriginal 6 psi (0.42 kg/sq cm) during the second hour willverify the presence of a leak and a requirement for repair.Serviceable drums will be drained and thoroughly dried(para 5-20).(2) Hydrostatic Test.(a) Remove air inflation and gaging equipmentand deflate the drum.(b) Position the drum with the opening at the topand fill the drum with water (fig. 5-19).(c) Continue falling until the internal pressure of30 psig is attained. (d) After allowing a time lapse of 5 minutesafter filling to permit normal expansion, add air as required(fig. 5-16) to bring the internal pressure back to the speci-fied limit.(e) Allow the pressurized drums to stand for 30minutes.(f) At the end of the specified stand period checkthe external surface of the drum for obvious evidence ofleakage and check the internal pressure for pressure drop(fig. 5-20).(g) Clearly mark any leak points and return theunserviceable drum for repair. Serviceable drums will bedrained and thoroughly dried (para 5-20).5-20. Drying Drum After Testing.Hot air must not exceed 150° F (66°C).a. Suspend drum by one end and dry interior with hotair for approximately 5 minutes, until interior of drum iscompletely dry (fig. 5-21).NOTEWater in depressions can belocated by feeling the exterior ofthe drum. Where water has settledthe temperature of the drum exte-rior will be cooler than the sur-rounding area.b. Insert 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) L-shaped copper tubing indepressions to siphon out water. The internal air pressurewill cause the water to flow through the tubing.5-21. Fogging and Crating Drum (500 Gallon (1893Liter) Fuel Drums Only).a. Inflate drum to approximately 1/2 of full size.b. Attach fogging equipment (fig. 5-22) and spray PE10light oil into the drum for approximately 15 seconds.c. Allow drum to remain semi-inflated for 3 to 5 minutesso that the oil fog covers surface of the inner liner.d. Release air and fold drum into an S shape. The swivelplate should be opposite the valve end5 - 2 4
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