TM 10-8110-201-14&P
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope.
a. This manual is for your use in operating and
maintaining the drums described in Section II.
b. Throughout this maual, the use of the terms,
right, left, front and rear indicate directions from the
viewpoint of the operator facing the end of the drum
where the coupler valve assembly or faucet valve is at-
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records.
Maintenance forms and records that you are re-
required to use are DA Form 2402 (Exchange Tag), DA
Form 2407 (Maintenance Request), and Standard Form
368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Their use, and proce-
dures for using them are explained in DA PAM 738-750
(The Army Maintenance Management System).
1-3. Hand Receipt.
a. Hand receipt for the End Item/Component of
End Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (BII), and Addition-
al Authorization List (AAL) Items are published in a
Hand Receipt Manual.
b. The Hand Receipt Manual numerical designa-
tion is the same as the related Techbical Manual with the
letters HR added to the number. These manuals are pub-
lished to aid in property accountability and are available
through: Commander, U.S. Army Adjutant General
Publication Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore,
1-4. Administrative Storage.
a. Fill fuel drums and water drums to the maxi-
mum allowable level.
If local fire regulations prohibit
storing equipment with fuel in the
system, completely drain the fuel
b. Placement of equipment in administrative stor-
age should be for short periods of time when a shortage
of maintenance effort exists. Items should be in mission
readiness within 24 hours or within the time factors as
determined by the directing authority.
Duting the storage period appropriate maintenance re-
cords will be kept.
c. Before placing equipment in administrative
storage, current preventive maintenance checks and ser-
vices should be completed, shortcomings and deficien-
cies should be corrected. and all modification work or-
ders (MWO 's) should be applied.
d. Storage site selection. Inside storage is prefer-
red for items Selected for administrative storage. If in-
side storage is not available, trucks, vans, tents, conex
containers and other containers may be used.
Do not fill the drum with air. Va-
pors inside drum can cause an ex-
Never stack drums on top of each
other or place equipment on top of
the drums. Drums are heavy and
can cause serious injury to person-
nel if they fall.
To avoid accelerated deterioration,
store drums out of direct sunlight,
extreme cold and away from heat of
any kind.
2) Keep the drums out of direct sunlight when
storing them outdoors. Place them in a tent or under a
tarp to block the sun and keep the snow and ice off dur-
ing cold weather.
3) Store drums away from any kind of heat. If
no shelter is available cover the drums with wet burlap
or other cloth, to keep the drums out of direct sunlight.
1-5. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
Enemy Use.
a. General. This type of equipment may be de-
stroyed by mechanical method or by using the fuel
which the drums contain to set it on fire.