TM 10-8110-201-14&P
The burning of drums that contain
fuel can be used as a means of de-
stroying other pieces of equipment
in the same area.
b. Mechanical Demolition. Use an axe, pick, mat-
tock, sledge, or any other heavy implement to smash the
coupler/faucet valves, the pressure control unit, and to
slash holes in the collapsible drum.
c. Demolition by Fire. Use some of the fuel con-
tained in the drum to saturate the equipment and ignite.
d. Additional Information. For additionid in-
formation on procedure for destruction of material, refer
to TM 750-244-3.
1-6. Reporting Equipment Improvement Rec-
ommendations (EIR).
ElRs will be prepared on SF 368 (Quality Deficien-
cy Report). Instruction for preparing EIRs should be
mailed directly to Headquarters, U.S. Army Aviation
and Troop Command, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MDO, 4300
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. A reply
will be furnished directly to you.
1-7. Description.
a. Longie Fuel Drum. The longie fuel drum, P/N
13216E9172 (fig. 1-1) is a durable, nonvented collaps-
ible container that is designed for a working pressure of
4 to 5 psi (pounds/square inch) (0.3 to 0.4 kg/cm) and a
maximum pressure of 45 psi (3.17 kg/sq cm). When
filled to its 500 gallon (1893 liter) capacity, the drum is
cylindrical in shape with rounded ends. It can be towed,
at speeds not to exceed 10 mph (miles/hour) (16 km/hr),
for short distances over smooth terrain, using the towing
and lifting yoke. The drum fabric is impregnated with
fuel resistance synthetic rubber. The front and rear clo-
sure plates are connected by a network of wire ropes (3
ea) that form an interior support for the drum. The front
closure plate has a threaded coupler valve assembly.
When the drum is collapsed, it can be folded to permit
transportation by cargo truck.
b. Shortie Fuel Drum. The shortie drum, P/N
13216E9170 (fig. 1-1) also has a capacity of 500 gallons
(1893 liters). the drum being larger in diameter than the
longie drum, P/N 13216E9172. The interior construc-
tions of the short drum is identical to that of the longer
drum, except that the three wire ropes used to form the
interior support are shorter. The shortie drum may be
towed, handled, and when empty, folded in the same
manner as the longie drum.
d. Accessory Items.
(1) Towing and Lifting Yoke. A towing and lifting
yoke (fig. 1-3) can be attached to the ends of the 500 gal-
lon (1893 liter) fuel drums and the 250 gallon (946 liter)
water drum for use in towing and lifting the drums.
(2) Tiedown Kit. A tiedown kit (fig. 1-4) is used to
secure drums when they are being transported by cargo
(3) Repair Kits. The repair kits (figs. 1-5 and 1-6)
are furnished for emergency use only to prevent leakage
until the operator can empty the drums. When these kits
are used to make such emergency repairs. the repaired
drum should not be moved, towed, lifted or transported
until it is completely empty.
(4) Pressure Control. When filling the 500 gallon
(1893 liter) fuel drums, a pressure control (fig. 1-7) is
attached between the pump assembly and the drum dur-
ing filling operation. The purpose of the pressure con-
trol is to automatically shut off the flow of fuel to the
drum when the internal pressure of the drum is 4 to 5 psi
(0.3 to 0.4 kg/sq cm). The automatic action will prevent
over filling the drum and insure its acceptability for high
altitude air transport.