TM 10-8110-201-14&PSection VII. MAINTENANCE OF TOWING AND LIFTING YOKEAND TIEDOWN KIT4-17. Towing and Lifting Yoke.a. C1eaning and Inspection.Drycleaning solvent P-D-680, used toclean parts is potentially dangerous topersonnel and property. USe in a well-ventilated area as the fumes aredangerous if inhaled. Avoid repeatedand prolonged skin contact. Do not usenear open flame or excessive heat. Flashpoint of solvent is 100°F - 138°F (38°C -59°C).(1) Wash the towing and lifting yoke (fig. 4-8)with drycleaning solvent (item 1, App. D), toremove foreign matter.(2) Inspect connecting legs (1, fig. 4-8) and up-per legs (2) for breaks, cracks or bends.(3) Inspect chains (10), pins (3, 12, and 13) andhooks and key ring (11) for damage or missingparts.(4) Inspect the two braces (5) for breaks, bends,or cracks.b. Dissassembly.(1) Remove setscrews (4, fig. 4-8) and pins (3)and separate connecting legs (1) from upper legs(2).(2) Remove screws (6) and nuts (7) and separatethe two braces (5) from the connecting legs.(3) If necessary, seperate the two braces byremoving the capscrews (8) and nuts (9).(4) Pull cotter pins (13) and remove clevis pins(12), hooks and key rings (11), and chains (10) fromconnecting legs.c. Repair.(1) Using the proper tools, straighten any bentlegs or braces. Weld any minor cracks or breaksthat were detected during inspection. Replace anyleg or brace that is damaged beyond repair.(2) If either chain is damaged, cut a new oneapproximately 6 inches (15 cm) or 10 links inlength from bulk chain (NSN 4010-00-567-2325).(3) Replace any remaining parts that aredamaged or defective.d. Reassembly.(1) Attach chains (10, fig. 4-8), hooks and keyrings (11), and clevis pins (12) to connecting legs (1)and secure with cotter pin (13).(2) Connect the two braces (5) and installscrews (8) and washers (9).(3) Connect the two braces to the connectinglegs and secure with screws (6) and nuts (7).(4) Attach the upper legs (1) to the connectinglegs with pins (3) and setscrews (4).4-18. Drum Tiedown Kita. Brackets.Drycleaning solvent P-D-680 used toclean parts is potentially dangerous topersonnel and property. Use in a well-ventilated area as the fumes aredangerous if inhaled. Avoid repeatedand prolonged skin contact. Do not usenear open flame or excessive heat. Flashpoint of solvent is 100°F - 138°F (38°C -59°C).(1) Wash side brackets (8, fig. 4-9), rearbrackets (9), and front brackets (10) in drycleaningsolvent (item 1, App. D) to remove foreign matterand inspect for cracks and bent or missing parts.(2) Using proper tools, straighten bent parts ofbrackets.(3) Using proper procedures, weld any cracks,or breaks in brackets.(4) Replace unserviceable brackets that cannotbe repaired with serviceable ones.b. Chain Assemblies.Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680, used toclean parts is potentially dangerous topersonnel and property. Use in a well-ventilated area as the fumes aredangerous if inhaled. Avoid repeatedand prolonged skin contact. Do not usenear open flame or excessive heat. Flashpoint of solvent is 100°F - 138°F (38°C -59°C).C h a n g e 1 04 - 15
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