TM 10-8110-201-14&P(1) Wash the front chain assemblies (6, fig. 4-9),intermediate chain assemblies (4), and rear chainassemblies (1) in drycleaning solvent (item 1, App.D), to remove foreign matter.(2) Inspect all chain assemblies for cracked orbroken links and hooks and damaged or missingsleeve.(3) Using proper tools, straighten bent links inchain assemblies.(4) Using proper welding procedures, weldcracked or broken links and hooks in chainassemblies.(5) Replace an unserviceable chain assemblythat cannot be repaired with a serviceable one.(6) Fabricate chain assembly covers asfollows:(a) Using the unserviceable cover (2, 5, or 7)as a pattern, cut a new cover from the bulk cottonduck cloth (NSN 8305-00-170-5871).(b) Machnine screw the long edges togetherto form the cover.Legends for Figure 4-8.1. Leg, Connecting2. Leg, Upper3. Pin4. Setscrew5. Brace6. Capscrew7. NutLegends for Figure 4-9.8. Capscrew9. Nut10. Chain11. Hook and Key Ring12. Pin, Clevis13. Pin, Cotterc. Load Binder.Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680, used toclean parts is potentially dangerous topersonnel and property. Use in a well-ventilated area as the fumes aredangerous if inhaled. Avoid repeatedand prolonged skin contact. Do not usenear open flame or excessive heat. Flashpoint of solvent is 100°F - 138°F (38°C -59°C).(1) Wash the load binders (3, fig. 4-9) indrycleaning solvent (item 1, App. D), to removeforeign matter, and inspect for cracked, broken,bent, or missing parts.(2) Using proper tools, straighten bent loadbinder parts.(3) Using proper welding procedures, weldcracks or breaks in load binder parts.(4) Replace unserviceable load binders thatcannot be repaired with serviceable ones.1. Chain Assembly, Rear7. Cover2. Cover8. Bracket3. Binder9. Bracket, Rear4. Chain Assembly, Intermediate10. Bracket, Front5. Cover11. Setscrew6. Chain Assembly, Front4-16
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