Figure 4-11.TM 10-8110-201-14&Pc. Reassembly and Installation.NOTEApply a light coat of petroleum jelly toall preformed packings and other con-tacting surfaces.(1) Install preformed packings (7, fig. 4-11) onthe cycling valve stem (6) and preformed packings(11) on body (12).(2) Install retaining ring (10) on the valve bodywith the convex side towards the washer (9).(3) Place the button (4) on the cycling valvestem (6) and align the hole in the button with thehole in the cycling valve stem.(4) Install the setscrew (5) in the button andcycling valve stem.(5) Place the spring (8), washer (9) and valvebody (12) on the cycling valve stem.(6) Hold the valve body, and apply pressure onthe spring with the washer until the valve body ison the cycling valve stem.(7) Install retaining ring (13) on the cyclingvalve stem to hold the valve body in place.Do not apply any excess pressure on thecycling valve while installing it as thisaction could damage the exposedpreformed packings.(8) Place the cycling valve in the pressure con-trol, and align the holes in the washer.4-21
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