TM 10-8110-201-14&P(9) Place the ring (2) on the pressure controland align holes.(10) Install the cap screws (1) in the ring andtighten them securely.(11) Assemble and install the remaining cycl-ing valve assembly by following the procedures in(1) thru (10) above.4-22. Pilot Valve.a. Testing.(1) Prepare the drum for filling (para 4-3 a).(2) Block the pressure control off the groundas shown in figure 4-12.(3) Remove the bottom plug (14, fig. 4-11) fromthe pressure control.(4) Connect a pressure gage that reads from 0to 6 psi (0 to 0.42 kg/sq cm) to the pressure control(fig. 4-12).(5) Start filling the drum (para 4-3 b) andobserve the pressure gage during the filling opera-tion. If the pressure gage reaches 5 psi (0.4 kg/sqcm) and the pressure control does not shut off,press the STOP button. Adjust the pilot valveassembly, paragraph b below.NOTEThe pressure should reach a maximumof 5 psi (0.4 kg/sq cm) just as thewrinkles come out of the drum and itassumes a firm cylindrical shape.(6) If the pressure control shuts off before thepressure gage reaches 4.5 psi (0.32 kg/sq cm), ad-just the pilot vale assembly (b below).b. Adjustment.(1) Remove the cap screws (1, fig. 4-13) from thepressure control.(2) Remove the nuts (15) from the four screws(12) and remove the screws from the pressure con-trol.(3) Separate the housing bodies (11 and 16).(4) Loosen the nut as shown in A, figure 4-14 toallow turning of the valve stem as shown in B,figure 4-14.(5) Turn the valve stem clockwise to increasepressure; counterclockwise to decrease pressure.NOTETurning the valve stem out 1/4 of a turnwill change the pressure approximately1 psi (0.07 kg/sq cm).(6) Tighten the nut to lock the valve stem.(7) Place the housing bodies together, and in-stall the capscrew, screw, and nuts by reversingthe procedures in (1) and (2) above. Tighten thenuts to 20 foot-pounds (2.77 m-kg) torque.(8) Retest the pilot valve (a above).(9) Readjust and retest until pressure is 4.5pounds per square inch (0.32 kg/sq cm) ±0.5pounds-per square inch (0.04 kg/sq cm).(10) Perform the procedures in (1) thru (4)above and replace the preformed packings (14, fig.4-13).(11) Perform the procedures in (7) above.c. Removal and Disassembly.(1) Remove the capscrew (1, fig. 4-13), from thepressure control.(2) Remove the nuts (15) from the four screws(12 and 18) and remove the screws from thepressure control.(3) Separate the housing bodies (11 and 16) andstand (17).(4) Remove the three screws (10) from thebellows assembly (4) and remove the bellowsassembly from the housing body.(5) Remove nut (8) from valve stem (7).(6) Remove the preformed packings (2 and 3)and seal (5).(7) Grasp the threaded end of the valve stem(7), turn it clockwise and remove the valve stemfrom the bellows assembly.(8) Remove the retaining ring (6) and valveguide (9) from the valve stem.d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.(1) Wash the bellows assembly parts in hot,mild soap and water solution to remove anyforeign matter. Allow the parts to dry.(2) Inspect the bellows assembly for cracks orbreaks.(3) Inspect burred valve stem or damagedvalve stem threads.(4) Replace all unserviceable parts as authoriz-ed.e. Reassembly and Installation.(1) Install the valve guide (9, fig. 4-13) and re-taining ring (6) on valve stem (7).(2) Grasp the unthreaded end of the valvestem, place the threaded end in the bellows4-22
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