TM 5-3820-256-10
Drilling Rig.
Cold Weather Operation.
Engine coolant. Make sure the truck engine is filled with the proper engine coolant. Add anti-freeze
coolant, NEVER WATER, as necessary.
Lubrication systems. Change oil and lubricants with lubricants recommended for cold weather
operation. Refer to the lubrication instructions in Chapter 3 for recommended lubricants.
Use caution during entire warmup procedure. Run the truck engine at the slowest possible speed and
actuate all controls slowly.
Hydraulic system.
The hydraulic oil provides lubrication to the hydraulic pump. When the oil in the suction line is too cold
and stiff to flow easily, it cannot keep the pump inlet supplied with oil, thus cavitation occurs. If this
condition continues for more than a few moments, serious damage may result.
(a) To prevent cavitation, "jog" the PTO/hydraulic pump on and off by depressing and releasing the
clutch until oil has warmed enough to permit adequate flow to the pump.
(b) If jogging the pump for 10 minutes does not produce acceptable results, do not attempt to operate
the unit until the rig can be taken inside a heated enclosure and serviced for cold weather
operation. Refer to the lubrication instructions in Chapter 3.
Water injection. Do not fill the water injection tank with water until just before you intend to use water
injection. If necessary, use external heat or a small immersion heater to keep the water from freezing.
After use, drain the water tank, pump, suction lines, and discharge lines. Also, drain the foam chemical
reservoir and its lines.
Mud circulation system. After use, remove the drain plugs and drain the mud pump fluid end. Drain all
discharge lines, allowing all fluid to drain from the swivel and kelly hose. Under severely cold conditions, it
may be necessary to erect temporary shelter around the mud pits and use portable heaters to keep the mud
above freezing temperatures. Maintain circulation of the fluid as much as possible.