TM 5-3820-256-10
Control air system. Check the control air system for moisture accumulation more frequently, draining the
bowl as necessary.
b. Hot Weather Operation.
Engine coolant.
Make sure the truck engine is filled with the proper engine coolant. Check coolant level more
frequently, adding coolant as necessary.
During operation, check the engine coolant temperature gage frequently. If temperature rises above
212 deg. F (100 deg. C), reduce the engine load by temporarily slowing or stopping drilling operations.
Resume drilling after the temperature drops below 194 deg. F (90 deg. C).
Lubrication systems. Change oil and lubricants with lubricants recommended for hot weather operation.
Check oil levels more frequently, adding oil as required to maintain proper levels. Refer to the lubrication
instructions in Chapter 3 for recommended lubricants.
Hydraulic system.
Hydraulic operations become erratic when the fluid is at an elevated temperature. DO NOT perform
critical operations, such as raising the mast, when the hydraulic oil temperature is too high. Allow the
temperature to drop below 190 deg. F (88 deg. C) before performing the critical task.
Check the hydraulic oil temperature gage frequently. If the temperature rises above 220 deg. F (104
deg. C), temporarily slow drilling operations. Resume normal drilling after the temperature drops below
190 deg. F (88 deg.C).
Air drilling system. When air drilling, check the air compressor injection oil temperature gage frequently. If
the temperature rises above 148 deg. F (70 deg.C), temporarily stop drilling while allowing the compressor
to run. Resume air drilling after the temperature drops below or near 150 deg. F (65 deg. C).
c. Sandy or Dusty Conditions.
Shorten the intervals for changing air filters and oil filters. See lubrication instructions in Chapter 3.
Lubricate equipment frequently and watch fluid levels closely. Use liberal amounts of grease when
lubricating pressure grease points to force out any contaminated grease.
Change hydraulic oil two or three times more frequently.