TM 5-3820-256-10
The hydraulic oil provides lubrication to the hydraulic pump. When the oil in the suction line and
reservoir is too cold and stiff to flow easily, it cannot keep the pump inlet supplied with oil, thus cavitation
occurs. If this condition continues for more than a few moments, serious damage will result.
To prevent cavitation, "jog" the PTO/hydraulic pump on and off by depressing and releasing the clutch until
oil has warmed enough to permit adequate flow to the pump.
If jogging the pump for 10 minutes does not produce acceptable results, do not attempt to operate the unit
until the vehicle can be taken inside a heated enclosure and serviced for cold weather operation. Refer to
the lubrication instructions in Chapter 3.
With adequate oil flow, continue to run pump until oil reservoir feels warm to the touch. Then begin jogging
the winch functions to circulate warmed oil. Slowly cycle all winch functions, one at a time, actuating each
cylinder in turn, operating winch in both directions.
If, at any time, the sound of the pump changes from its normal "hum" to a "screaming" noise, stop the
pump immediately. The "screaming" indicates cavitation.
Resume jogging procedures until the pump can again be run continuously without cavitating.
b. Sandy or Dusty Conditions. Clean wire rope as needed.
c. High Humidity and/or Salt Water Conditions.
Protect painted or polished surfaces by keeping them well lubricated or coated with a thin layer of grease or
similar preservative.
Remove rust and corrosion as they appear and repaint affected surfaces.
Coat wire rope often with wire rope lubricant or grease.
Hydraulic Reservoir.
a. Cold Weather Operation. Use hydraulic fluid recommended for cold weather operation. Refer to lubrication
instructions in Chapter 3 for recommended lubricants.
b. High Humidity and/or Salt Water Conditions.
Protect painted or polished surfaces by keeping them well lubricated or coated with a thin layer of grease or
similar preservative.