TM 5-3820-256-10
Well Completion General Information.
a. Scope.
This section details the steps necessary to complete the water well after drilling is complete. The
paragraphs that follow give information for: logging the well to precisely locate the depth at which the well will
produce; setting the casing (pipe) that forms the wall of the water well; cleaning out the well; and finally, installing
the pump and flow line that raises the water from the bottom of the well to the surface.
b. Auxiliary Equipment. The special tools and equipment needed to complete the water well are the following:
Electric logging system (part no. 149F923). This equipment is used after drilling is complete, or near
completion, to determine the type and locations of formations in the well.
Well completion kit (part no. 165F004). This kit contains all the components necessary to complete a water
well, to a depth of 600 feet. It includes those components listed in the Department of the Army Supply
Catalog, SC 3820-97-CL-3.
Well sounder (part no. 149F924). This instrument is used to determine water levels.
Dart valve bailer (part no. 149F917). This equipment is used to remove accumulations of sand or mud from
the well.
c. 1500 Foot Well Drilling. Capabilities to drill 1500 feet have been added to this system by using a rig auxiliary kit
(part no. 168F530 or part no. KT-1992-TRSC). Refer to paragraph 2-44.
Well Logging Equipment.
a. Description. The electric logging system consists of a well probe that is manually lowered down the well and an
instrument at the surface that receives electrical information from the probe. The operator takes readings at different
points up the well and plots the data on a graph, recording a spontaneous potention (SP) curve, three 'normal' resistively
curves and two lateral resistively curves.
b. Well probe.
The well probe is attached to a 500-foot multi-conductor cable by means of waterproof connectors. The
brass current electrode is drilled so that an insulated 'sinker rod" can be attached to the probe, by means of
a leather thong, if greater weight is needed to carry the probe to the bottom of the well.
The probe contains a brass current electrode and three lead-oxide potential electrodes. The potential
electrodes are spaced at 0.25, 2.5, and 10 feet from the current electrode. Each electrode is potted in
epoxy resin in short lengths of PVC tubing; each is internally insulated from the others; and each is
connected to the surface by a separate conductor (wire).
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