SERVICE MANUAL4.Disconnect washer hose from fitting on bottomof cowl cover panel.5.Reaching into cowl air intake chamber, unfastenretainer clip from wiper motor drive lever pin anddetach linkage rod from drive lever.6.Remove three mounting bolts from each pivotbracket and lift out complete pivot brackets andwiper linkage assembly from inside air intakechamber (Fig. 4).Fig. 4. Removing Windshield Wiper Linkage1.Linkage3.Chamber, Air2.Brackets, PivotELECTRIC MOTOR1.Disconnect wiring harness from wiper motor.2.If wiper linkage has not previously beendisconnected from motor, reach into cowl airintake chamber and unfasten clip from wipermotor drive lever.IMPORTANTWhere motor only is being removed,stop wiper blades (with key switch) attheir opposite to "PARK" position andloosen motor bracket to cowl mountingbolts. This will facilitate detaching ofwiper linkage from motor drive lever.3.Remove wiper motor bracket mounting bolts anddetach motor assembly. Drive lever shouldremove through hole in cowl (Fig. 5).Fig. 5. Removing Windshield Wiper Motor1.Bracket, Mounting3.Cowl2.Lever, DriveIMPORTANTAlways disconnect battery ground strapbefore servicing or removing electricalcomponents.CONTROL SWITCH1.Remove control knob for electric control switchby depressing retaining clip on back of knob withoffset or small screw- driver (Fig. 6).Fig. 6. Removing Control Knob from Switch1.Screwdriver4.Shaft, Switch2.Indent5.Knob, Control3.Clip, SpringCTS-4061 - Chapter IPRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICAPage 4
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