SERVICE MANUALDESCRIPTIONThe windshield washer (Fig. 1) consists of areservoir mounted motor driven displacement type pumpthat delivers washer solution to the windshield throughhoses and nozzles in the wiper arms. Pump motor maybe integral with reservoir or detached.OPERATIONTwo types of controls are used with thewindshield washer namely - an integral with wiper controlswitch type for electric wipers and an independentcontrol type for air wipers. (Independent switch ismounted on instrument panel directly below wiper controlvalve.) You can operate windshield washer with eithertype control simply by pushing in on control switch for aslong as you want nozzles to spray. Spray will stop assoon as control is released.MAINTENANCEA minimum of service is required to keepwindshield washer operating. Keep reservoir filled withIH No. 996726-R2 windshield washer solvent and keepwiper nozzles clean. If dirt enters reservoir, removereservoir and flush out with clean water. Refill reservoirwith specified solvent after reinstalling.REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION1.Remove the reservoir-to-cowl mounting boltsand lift complete pump, motor and reservoir fromcowl.2.Separate wiring connector for instrument panelswitch-to-motor wire and motor-to- ground wirefrom pump motor.3.Disconnect pump-to-wiper nozzle hose frompump outlet fitting.4.Since two different types of pump-motor-reservoir assemblies may be found on S- Seriescabs, always check Parts Catalog beforedisassembling pump motor from reservoir.Figure 2 shows the installation where pumpmotor is serviced separately. Installation ofwindshield washer is the reverse of removalprocedure. Test the operation of unit and checkfor leaks after installing.IMPORTANTBe sure an ample supply of IH No.996726-R2 windshield washer solvent ismaintained in reservoir to insuresatisfactory operation of windshieldwasher.Fig. 2. Pump, Motor Reservoir Assembly(Detachable Pump Motor Type)1.Cap, Tube2.Seal, O-ring3.Block, Junction4.Block, Junction5.Grommet, Hose6.Strap, Cable Lock7.Bracket, Reservoir8.Cap, Reservoir9.Gasket, Cap10.Filter, Reservoir11.Washer, Nylon12.Reservoir13.Grommet14.Pump Motor, Assembly15.Hose16.Strap, Cable LockCTS-4061 - Chapter IIIPRINTED IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICAPage 3
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