WHEELS, RIMS AND TIRESFigure 5. - Cross Section of Inboard and OutboardMounted DrumPRECAUTIONSAlways loosen rim clamps before complete removal ofnut from stud (cast spoke wheels). With loosened nutson stud, strike clamps with a heavy hammer and be sureeach clamp is loose.Always deflate tires completely before removing locks orside rings.Always inspect and clean all parts before assembly.Always inflate tires in a safety cage.Always use a "clip-on" air chuck with remote controlvalve to inflate tires.Never strike cast spokes of wheel assembly whenloosening rim clamps.Never mix rim side rings or lock rings of different types orsize.Never use cracked, bent or badly rusted parts.Never reinflate flat tires on vehicle - use the spare.Never add air until certain each side or lock ring is fullyseated.Never hammer side or lock ring on a partially or fullyinflated tire.When installing the tire and rim assembly on disc brakedaxles, make sure the tire valve stem clears the brakecaliper. The use of an I.H. valve stem retainer or tiremanufacturer’s stem-forming tool are the only acceptablemethods of obtaining clearance when necessary.REMOVE AND REINSTALLWhen servicing wheels, different procedures will berequired for particular service applications.Examples:Tire servicewill require removal of wheel and tire onvehicles with disc wheels. On vehicles with cast spokewheels, tire and rim assembly will be removed for tireservice.Brake service(except disc brakes) will require differentprocedures depending upon inboard or outboardmounted drums.A.Vehicles with cast spoke wheels or disc wheelsand inboard mounted brake drums (single ordual tires): remove wheel, hub and drum as anassembly.B.Vehicles with disc wheels (single or dual tires)with outboard mounted brake drums: removewheel or dual wheels. Then remove brake drumleaving hub assembly intact on vehicle. Wheelbearing service will not be required with thisapplication.Refer to the GENERAL topic for further identification ofwheels and to application of inboard and outboardmounted drums.When installing wheel, hub and drum assemblies, referto the following: WHEEL BEARING ADJUSTMENT,WHEEL SEALS, and WHEEL BEARING.CTS-4148APage 4
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