WHEELS, RIMS AND TIRESCOTTER KEY INSTALLATIONThe cotter key should be inserted with the long tangtoward the end of the spindle. Bend long tang of cotterkey over end of spindle. Clip remaining tang leaving justenough stock to bend down against side of nut. Acorrectly installed cotter key should have the appearanceas shown in Figure 13.Figure 13.WHEEL SEALSTo Insure satisfactory performanceof wheel seals,various precautions are necessary Whether the vehicleis equipped with grease or oil lubricated wheel bearings.Always replace wheel seals whenever the wheel and hubassembly is removed. Seals establish a wear patterafter a period of usage and a reused seal may not bepositioned back in its original location and leakage couldresult.Due to various types of wheel seals, it is important thatthe seal installation and position be checked at the timeof disassembly to be assured that the new seals areproperly installed.The types of wheel seals used are designed to be usedwith grease packed wheel bearings and oil lubricatedwheel bearings.GREASE LUBRICATED WHEEL BEARINGFor the most part the seals used with grease lubricatedwheel bearings will be of the lip type seal similar to thatshown in Figure 14. The seal is installed with lip towardthe inner wheel bearing.Scot unitized seals and Barrier unitized seals can also beused with grease lubricated wheel bearings.Figure 14. - Wheel Seals Used With Grease LubricatedWheel BearingsOIL LUBRICATED WHEEL BEARINGDifferent versions of oil lubricated wheel bearings will befound, and they are:Stemco Lip Type Seal With Wiper Ring The metalencased lip type seals shown in Figures 15 and 16 havea wiper ring or wear sleeve mounted on the axle orspindle. The wiper ring provides a smooth contactsurface for the lip of the seal, which is also replacedwhen seals are replaced. The lip of a seal can wear agroove in the axle or spindle at that point where the lipmakes contact. The oil lubricated seal shown in Figure16 has an added feature called grit guard. The grit guardis a shielded extension on the wiper ring to prevent gritand road splash entering the seal.CTS-4148APage 8
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