TM 5-3825-226-24
Oil comes from oil cooler (12) through an oil line
to lubrication relief valve (6). Oil from the lubrication
relief valve goes into passage (14) and gives lubrication
to the planet gears, discs, plates and bearings of No. 1
clutch (17), No. 2 clutch (18) and No. 3 clutch (19)
through a common passage. Oil for lubrication of the
components of No. 4 clutch (20) and No. 5 clutch (21)
comes from leakage. No. 6 clutch (22) gets oil for
lubrication from tube (15). Tube (15) also sends oil for
lubrication of the transfer gears.
The normal leakage of oil from the torque
converter goes into the reservoir in bottom of torque
converter housing (11). The scavenge pump pulls the
oil through a screen (10), through the pump and sends
the oil to the reservoir for the transmission.