TM 5-3825-226-24
The 5P8639 Press Group and the 5P9705 Tool Group
are used to remove and install the piston pin bearings in
the connecting rods. Use the procedure that follows to
remove and install the piston pin bearing from the
connecting rod.
Remove the crankshaft bearing from the large end of
the connecting rod and install the cap on the rod.
Put the connecting rod in an oven and get the
temperature of the rod to 400°F (2040C).
Put the 5P9704 Spacer in the counterbore of the base
plate. Be sure the spacer is in the bore straight and is
against the bottom of the counterbore. Put the
connecting rod, with the Part Number up, on the base
plate so that the post assembly is in the center of the
piston pin bearing.
Install the pin for the large end of the connecting rod
in the center of the bearing bore. Put the 5P8653
Adapter over the post assembly and into the piston pin
bearing. Make sure the alignment hole in the adapter is
in line with the hole in the base plate. Install the 5P864
I1 Clamp Bar and the clamp pin on the large end of the
connecting rod. Put a new piston pin bearing on the
5P8653 Adapter.
The bearing joint must be in alignment with the hole in
the adapter. Put the 5P8645 Push adapter, with the
tapered side down, on the post assembly and on top of
the 5P8653 Adapter. Make sure the alignment hole in
the push adapter is in alignment with the bearing joint
and the holes in the 5P8653 Adapter and the base plate.
Put the pusher on the 5P8645 Push Adapter and use
the press to push the old bearing out and the new
bearing in. Use the press until the push adapter makes
full contact with the connecting rod. Remove the tools
and the connecting rod from the press group.
NOTE: The piston pin bearing must be bored
(machined to size) before the connecting rod can be
The 5P2050 Connecting Rod Checking Fixture is used
to check for bearing bore center-to-center distance and
for piston pin bearing bore to crankshaft bearing bore
alignment. The checking fixture can be used to check
connecting rods with or without the piston pin bearing
To check connecting rods that are to be reconditioned,
the fixture must first be adjusted to the correct bearing
bore center-to-center distance. Use a connecting rod of
known length (master rod) for adjustment.
Remove the connecting rod bearing and install the cap
on the connecting rod and tighten the nuts as shown in
the SPECIFICATIONS. Remove the piston pin bearing
from the connecting rod.
Put the 5P2041 Pin Mandrel in the piston pin end of
the master rod. Install the 5P2013 Plunger Extension
on the plunger of the 5P2053 Crank Mandrel. Install the
5P2051 Position Arm on the end of the crank mandrel.
Put the crank mandrel in the crankshaft bearing bore of
the master rod. Move the position arm so it is in
alignment with the centerline of the pin mandrel. Turn
the actuator knob on the end of the crank mandrel and
tighten the mandrel in the rod.
Put the master connecting rod on the checking fixture.
Move the dial indicator holder until both indicators show
approximately .010 in. less than one complete
revolution. Turn the dial face of each indicator until the
hand is on zero.
Remove the connecting rod from the fixture; turn the
rod 180° horizontally and put the rod on the fixture
again. If the dial indicators read zero, the fixture is
adjusted correctly. If there is a different reading on the
dial indicators, move the dial face one-half the distance
between zero and the reading. Remove the master rod
from the fixture and remove mandrels from the master
The checking fixture is now adjusted to check
connecting rods for reconditioning.
Use the procedure that follows to inspect connecting
rods to check if they are acceptable for reconditioning.
Remove the connecting rod bearing and install the
cap on the connecting rod and tighten the nuts as shown
in the SPECIFICATIONS. Remove the piston pin
bearing from the connecting rod.
Put the 5P2041 Pin Mandrel in the piston pin bearing
bore. Put the 5P2053 Crank Mandrel with 5P2013
Plunger Extension and 5P2501 Position Arm in the
crankshaft bearing bore. Move the position arm in
alignment with the centerline of the pin mandrel. Turn
the actuator knob on the crank mandrel and tighten the
mandrel in the rod.
Put the connecting rod on the checking fixture. Make
a record of the readings on each of the dial indicators.
Add the two readings and divide by two. The result is
the average difference from the master connecting rod
bearing bore center-to-center distance. The allowable
difference for rods that are acceptable for reconditioning
is ±.004 in.