TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-36.BRAKE DRUM AND HUB ASSEMBLY (cont)d. RepairofBrakeDrum(cont).NOTEIf turning causes drum to exceed original inside diameter by more than 0.080 inch (2.032 mm), replace the drum.The drum on the opposite side of the same axle must also be replaced. Check drum diameter after each cut tomake sure you have not cut too deeply.(7)To refinish inner braking surface, mount brake drum on refinishing lathe. Make several shallow cuts untilscoring has been removed.(8)Refinish other drum on that axle to the same specifications.(9)Assemble hub and drum and install on axle (para. 4-36).(10) Install tire and wheel assemblies (para. 4-37).(11) Uncage brake chambers (para. 3-9).(12) Adjust slack adjusters (para. 4-27).(13) Remove axle supports.4-37. WHEELSTHISTASKCOVERS:a.Removalb.InstallationEquipment/Materials Required:INITIALSETUP:Chock blocksTools Required:Equipment ConditionsNomenclature:RefConditionsGeneral MechanicsSemitrailer brakes set.Tool KitTires chocked, except those being replaced.Personnel Required: 24-76
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