TM 5-3825-229-14&P
Do not exceed fording depth of 30 inches (76 cm) or damage to the equipment may result.
Before Fordinq.
(1) Before entering the water, check bottom surface conditions. If bottom is too soft, do not ford.
(2) Cables and terminals must be protected by spraying with ignition insulation compound.
After Fordinq.
(1) After coming out of the water, apply brakes a few times to help dry out brake linings. Make sure semitrailer
brakes are working before driving at normal speeds.
(2) Drain or dry all areas where water has collected.
(3) Lubricate all unpainted surfaces.
(4) Wheel bearings should be drained and relubricated with lubricant as specified in the Lubrication Chart after
water fording operation. If wheel bearing lubricant has become contaminated it will be evident by foaming of
the oil and a change in color to a light brown after towing the trailer 1 to 2 miles.
(5) Dry all lubrication points and lubricate as specified in the Lubrication Chart.
(6) Quarterly PMCS services must be completed within five days after fording operation. Refer to TM 9-238 for
further guidance on fording requirements.
2-41/(2-42 Blank)