TM 5-3895-370-14&P
b. Cleaning/lnspection.
(1) Clean injector nozzle seats with nylon tube brush.
Compressed air used for cleaning
purposes will not exceed 30 psi (207
kPa). Use only with effective chip
guarding and personal protective
equipment (goggles/shield, gloves,
Wash cylinder head in hot water and soap for 30
minutes. Rinse and use compressed air to dry.
Check cylinder head for nicks, erosion, cracks,
and other damage.
Polish gasket surface of cylinder head using 400
grit waterproof silicon carbide abrasive paper.
Check cylinder head deck for distortion as
indicated. Distortion can be no greater than
0.0039 in. (0.0991 mm) within a 2 in. (50.8 mm)
radius (distance A) or no greater than 0.003 in.
(0.076 mm) end to end.
Check valve guides in cylinder head for scuffing
or scoring. Ream valve guides to remove any
surface damage.
Measure valve guide bores at positions B and C.
Normal measurement is 0.3157 to 0.3185 in.
(8.0188 8.0899 mm). If less than normal, rebore
valve guide. If greater than normal, replace
cylinder head.
Clean valve heads with a soft wire wheel.
Clean and polish valve stem with crocus cloth.
Remark valves according to head location.
When replacing old valves, remember
to mark new valves the same for
correct assembly.
Check for abnormal wear on valve heads and
stems. Replace valves that are bent or cannot
be ground.