a .
I n s t a l l a t i o n o f T i e - d o w n K it
( 1 ) C l e a r t r u c k b e d o f s p l i n t e r s,
protruding nails and other
foreign objects that could puncture or chafe the tank. Place
bed cloth on truck bed forward;
unroll to rear (Model 91093).
( 2 ) Secure the tank to the trailer with a four-belt tie-down kit .
This kit is made and assembled in accordance with Figs. 2-2
through 2-6.
There are two anchor points (Fig. 2-3) per belt
to provide maximum support to the tank during transport.
anchor point consists of a 5/8" diameter eyebolt, two retain -
ing plates, one 5/8" hex nut, one lockwasher, and one flat
washer as shown in Figures 2-2 or 2-3.
(3) Locate the belt locations as shown in Figs. 2-4, 2-5 or 2-6
(depending on trailer type) and install anchor assembly as
shown in Figures 2-2 and 2-3.
Re-check the area for sharp
o b j e c t s .
If the surface is rough and jagged, it will be
necessary to place plywood or a tarpaulin down for the tank
to rest upon.
(4) Attach the ratchet take-up mechanism to each anchor point
by using a shackle between the eyebolt and delta ring on the
ratchet take-up mechanism.
(5) Lay the tie-down straps crosswise to the length of the
s e m i - t r a i l e r b e d.
Make sure the belts are centered accurately
between the eyebolts.
Let the remaining portion of the belts
lay over the side of the trailer. Care should be taken to
insure that each strap is not twisted and is laying flat.
area is now prepared for tank unfolding.
Installation of Tank on Trailer Bed
( 1 ) U s i n g a l i f t i n g d e v i c e , s u c h a s a f o r k l i f t o r c r a n e , c a r e f u l ly
t a k e h o l d o f t h e s l i n g b y i t s l i f t s t r a p s ( F i g . 2 - 1 ) a n d p l a ce
the tank on the semi-trailer in such a manner that the tank
w i l l u n r o l l t o w a r d s t h e r e a r o f t h e t r a i l e r .
The tank ends
should be near or touching the trailer bulkhead.
(2) Remove the straps from the buckles on the sling assembly and
unroll and unfold the tank over the tie-down straps.
V i s u a l l y
i n s p e c t t a n k w h i l e u n r o l l i n g .
P o s i t i o n i t s o t h a t w h e n i t i s
full, the ends or sidewalls of the tank will not rub against
the forward bulkhead or hang over the sides of the trailer.
Remove the sling assembly from under the tank and place it in
the trailer stowage compartment.
Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment
Inspect the tank body for any punctures or tears.
Inspect the fittings and components for evidence of damage or
missing bolts or gaskets.
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