Correction of Deficiencies
Treat deficiencies found during initial inspection as follows:
Correct deficiencies within the scope of organizational maintenance
before the tank is placed in service. Tears or punctures in the
tank walls may be temporarily repaired by following the
instructions in Chapter 3, Section III, paragraph 3-5.
Do not attempt unauthorized repairs.
Bring serious deficiencies , or d e f i c i e n c i e s b e y o n d t h e s c o p e o f
this manual to the attention of y o u r
s u p e r v i s o r .
Section II.
Controls and Instruments
The operator should be thoroughly familiar with the location and
function of every control before operating the system. Other personnel
comprising the crew should be thoroughly briefed in the operation of
the system and be familiar with any shutdown or stopping procedures
under emergency conditions.
Filler/Discharge Valve
The filler/discharge valve is a 4 gate valve which, together with the
hose assembly, provides the connection necessary to both fill and empty
the tank.
Pressure Gaqe
A 0-15 PSI pressure gage is supplied to monitor the pressure of the
f i l l e d t a n k .
Operating pressure is 4 to 6 PSI. See Item 1, Fig. 2-7.
Pressure Gaqe Valve
The pressure gage is controlled by a ¼ NPT valve. The valve is to be
closed when the pressure gage is removed.
See Item 3, Fig. 2-7.
Hose Assembly
The hose assembly consists of two 10 long x 4 diameter potable water
hose--FDA approved-- supplied with quick disconnect fittings.
Pressure Relief Valve
The pressure relief valve is manually operated to relieve trapped air.
It is open and closed with finger pressure.