The free ends of the hold-down belts should now be brought over the
top of the tank and down the other side through the ratchet take-up
mechanism attached to the truck bed.
Slide ends of belt 2 feet
through slot in ratchet assembly. Fold end back on belt and hold
manually until one turn has been taken on roll-up spool.
Attach the hose to the tank fill/discharge valve.
Open the valve at the potable water supply.
Open the filler/discharge valve on the tank.
No pressure will show on the pressure gage until the tank is
approximately two feet high.
From that point on periodically check
the exact tank pressure by closing the 4" filler/discharge valve on
the tank to obtain a precise tank pressure reading.
After pressure reading has been taken, open the 4" filler/discharge
valve on the tank and resume filling to 2 to 3 PSIG.
Open the relief valve on the top of the tank until water flows from
the valve.
The belts should now be tightened with the ratchet handle. Tighten
belts to the maximum possible with one hand on the ratchet handle.
The second hand should be used to steady the ratchet assembly so
that the belt will wind flat and true.
After tightening each
ratchet assembly, see that the ratchet handle has dropped securely
into the locking mechanism.
When all ratchet assemblies have been
tightened uniformly, the pressure in the tank will be increased
approximately ½ PSI.
If the tank ends are not level with the floor of the trailer
the tank may be leveled by releasing the ratchet on one side
of the tank and then taking up the slack by tightening the
opposite ratchet.
A f t e r f i l l i n g t h e t a n k t o c o r r e c t p r e s s u r e ( 4 - 6 p s i ) , s h u t o f f
filling line valve first, then shut off tank filler/discharge
Disconnect filling line.
Some loss of water between the
valves will be experienced at this point.
Material is under
pressure between the valves; low pressure if the filling line valve
is shut off first as directed above, and high pressure if the tank
valve is shut off first.
The closed system of filling a tank allows the pressure to
build up very rapidly as the tank reaches full capacity. It
is recommended that tank containers be filled to a final
minimum pressure of 4 PSI and a maximum of 6 PSI.