Maintenance and Service
Aqua Meter digital depthfinders are rugged, precision-
built electronic. instruments. Under normal usage, they
are designed to provide years of service with little or no
special care on your part. From time to time, wipe the
case with a cloth soaked in lukewarm water and a mild
soap or detergent. Unplug the transducer and power
cables, wipe them carefully and inspect for corrosion or
damage to the insulation.
Inspect the transducer periodically. This is best done
when the boat is being hauled. If operating in salt water,
transducer paint may be applied with a rag or brush.
(Lightly sand off and repaint before each following
season.) A build-up of marine growth can well cause a
loss of sensitivity, but surprisingly, a thin coating of
grease, oil or just air bubbles is likely to cause greater
loss. This is why your transducer should always be
cleaned with detergent just before each and every time
that your boat is launched.
With this treatment, your Aqua Meter transducer is
designed to last for a great number of years. You may
hear that transducers "age," and this is true. However,
your Aqua Meter transducer has been pre-aged so that it
has reached our critical stability acceptance level by the
time it left our factory. It therefore can be relied on for
many years of reliable service, as long as it is not
damaged or abused.
You don't have to be the least bit technically oriented to
use your digital depth instrument effectively. For all its
advanced circuitry and capabilities, your Aqua-Probe-
regardless of the model-is exceptionally easy to operate
and read. Above all, it is practical and versatile. It can
tell you about the contour of the bottom; it can help you
locate the best fishing grounds. It can keep you from
running aground and damaging your boat and imperiling
your crew.
Your Aqua-Probe can make your charts very much more
valuable. It can point out piloting errors; can
complement other navigational aids; and can help you
explore harbors, rivers and lakes. It is available the
instant it's needed. It is as much at home on ocean-
going sailboats, trawlers and large racing yachts as it is
on bass boats and tournament fishing rigs. Only a well-
compensated, high quality compass (Aqua Meter makes
about 25 models of them) is probably more essential on
a boat.
In the days of super bass boats, sophisticated ocean
racers, enormously expensive deep sea sport fishermen,
and Loran, Omega and Satellite navigation systems,
your Aqua-Probe digital depth instrument more than
holds its own. It is obsolescence-proof. With proper
installation, minimum maintenance and care...and lots of
practice... it will add much to your boating pleasure and
safety. Few owners understand how to use their
depthfinder to anything like its full potential. We've
written this handbook in the hope that you, for one, will
use yours confidently and effectively.
We wish you many seasons of good fishing and safe,
happy boating.