T6.354 (M) & HT6.354 (M)
Engine Type:
Turbocharged In-Line 6-Cylinder
4-Cycle, Direct Injection
Maximum Shaft Horsepower:
145 @ 2400 rpm (108.2 skw)
354.0 cu. in. (5.8 Litres)
Bore and Stroke:
3.875 x 5.0 in. (98.4 mm x 127 mm)
Compression Ratio:
Firing Order
1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4
(Standard Rotation)
Firing Order:
1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 5
Lub Oil Capacity T6.354M
12.6 U.S. Quarts (11.92 Litres)
Lub Oil Capacity HT6.354M
13.8 U.S. Quarts (13.05 Litres)
Coolant Capacity:
5.4 U.S. Gallons (20.44 Litres)
T6.354 MGT
Engine Type:
Turbocharged In-Line 6-Cylinder,
4-Cycle, Direct Injection
Maximum Shaft Horsepower:
175 @ 2400 rpm (130.6 skw)
354.0 cu. in. (5.8 Litres)
Bore and Stroke:
3.875 x 5.0 in. (98.4 mm x 127 mm)
Compression Ratio:
Firing Order:
1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4
(Standard Rotation)
Firing Order:
1: 4, 2, 6, 3, 5
Lub Oil Capacity:
10.8 U.S. Quarts (10.22 Litres)
Coolant Capacity:
5.4 U.S. Gallons (20.44 Litres)
V8.510 (M)
Engine Type:
90 V8-Cylinder, 4-Cycle, Direct Injection
Maximum Shaft Horsepower:
172 @ 2800 rpm (128.3 skw)
510.7 cu. in. (8.36 Litres)
Bore and Stroke:
4.25 x 4.50 in. (108 mm x 114.3 mm)
Compression Ratio:
Firing Order:
1, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 6, 2
Lub Oil Capacity:.
18.6 U.S. Quarts (17.6 Litres)
Coolant Capacity:
9.3 U.S. Gallons (35.2 Litres)
TV8.510 (M)
Engine Type:
Turbocharged 90 V8-Cylinder, 4-Cycle
Direct Injection
Maximum Shaft Horsepower:
235 @ 2600 rpm (175.3 skw)
510.7 cu. in. (8.36 Litres)
Bore and Stroke:
4.25 x 4.50 in. (108 mm x 114.3 mm)
Compression Ratio:
Firing Order:
1, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 6, 2
Lub Oil Capacity:
18.6 U.S. Quarts (17.6 Litres)
Coolant Capacity:
9.3 U.S. Gallons (35.2 Litres)