TM 9-2330-267-14&P4-39. AIRBRAKE CHAMBER REPLACEMENT.This Task Covers:a.Testc.Installationb. RemovalInitial Setup:Materials/Parts:Tools/Test Equipment:l Three Iockwashersl General mechanic’s tool kitPersonnel Required: Two1.2.3.4.With service brake released, insert small rod (2)through one of two inspection holes (3) in airbrakechamber (1).Mark rod (2) at surface of support when rodcontacts pushrod return spring in airbrake cham-ber (1).Apply service brake and mark rod (2) again atsurface of support when rod contacts pushrodreturn spring in airbrake chamber (1).Withdraw rod (2), and measure distance betweentwo marks. Distance between two marks indi-cates distance of pushrod travel.5.Adjust service brakes to permit a minimum of ½ in. (12.7 mm) and a maximum of ¾ in. (19.1 mm) pushrod travel(para 4-32).6.Disconnect intervehicular air hoses from towing vehicle and see if brakes apply automatically.b.REMOVAL 1.Remove tube (5) and elbow (4) from airbrake chamber (1).CAUTIONMaster cylinder must be supported when airbrake chamber is removed. Damage tohydraulic brake line may result if master cylinder is not supported.2.Remove three nuts (9), Iockwashers (8), and airbrake chamber (1) from master cylinder (7) and mountingbracket (10). Discard Iockwashers.3.Remove identification plate (6) if damaged.TA5070384-72
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