TM 10-3835-223-13&PSection IV. UNIT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKSAND SERVICES (PMCS).4-6. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS).a.General.This section contains the procedures and instructions necessary to performorganizational PMCS. These services are to be performed by organizational maintenance personnel with theassistance, where applicable, of the operator/crew. Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services areperformed to find and to fix problems before they cause major damage to the equipment. To save time andmake sure that all items are checked, do the PMCS in the order given in the table.b.PMCSProcedures.(1)ItemNumberColumn.Checks and services are numbered in chronological orderregardless of interval. This column is used as a source of item number for the “TMNumber” column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet,in recording results of PMCS.(3)IntervalColumns.The interval columns tell you when to do a certain check or service:Semi-annual-every 180 days or 25 hours of operation, whichever is first.Annual- once every year or every 50 hours of operation.(4)ItemToBeInspectedColumn. This column lists the common name of the item to beinspected such as “Drive Belts”.(5)Procedures Column. This column tells you how to do the required checks or services.Carefully follow these instructions. If you do not have the tools, or if the procedures tellyou to, have unit maintenance do the work.c.PriortoStorageorShipment.A complete PMCS must be performed prior to storage orshipment.d.UnderUnusualConditions.Servicing of your unit is required more often when operating inextreme conditions and operating in dust, must or sand. Local SOP will authorize the intervals whenthe unit is operated under unusual conditions.e.Ecology and Conservation. Spilling of fuel damages our ecology. Always use a suitablecontainer to catch fuel when opening fuel/fluid lines. Immediately wipe up spilled fuels with rags.Dispose of drained fuels in accordance with local SOP.4-5
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