TM 10-3835-223-13 & PTable 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesS - Semi-annualA - AnnualIntervalItem No.Item to BeInspectedProcedureS AFrameUnit1HydraulicInspect hoses for deterioration. Replace if badly worn,Hosescracked or weather rotted.2Drive wheelInspect drive wheel for excessive wear, bald patches, andcracks. Replace drive wheel if defective.3HydraulicInspect for corrosion, loose or missing mounting hardwareMotorand leaks. Replace if leaking.4HydraulicInspect rod end of cylinder for leaks. Replace cylinder ifCylinderleaks have developed at rod seal.5Brake Leversa. Lubricate brake levers. Refer to lubrication order.b. Inspect for bent, broken or cracked brake linkage.c. Check for worn brake lining. Replace lining if worn.6Hose Reela. Check bearings for corrosion and excessive play.Block Bearings b. Lubricate four hose rod bearings with GAA. Refer tolubrication order.7RollersInspect roller side plates for excessive wear, galling, andcorrosion.8Hose ReelsInspect hose reel spool for cracks, separated welds, andcorrosion. Replace reels if severely cracked.9FrameInspect for cracks, broken welds and corrosion. Inspect forWeldmentmissing bolts and nuts. Replace missing hardware.PowerPack10Power Unita. Inspect electric motor for signs of overheating (meltedinsulation, bubbled paint, discoloration). Replace powerunit if motor has over heated.b. Inspect pump and fittings for leaks. Check for loosemounting screws. Replace power unit if leaking.c. Inspect reservoir for leaks, cracks, and damagedcooling fins. Replace power unit if reservoir is cracked.4-6
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