TM 10-4610-234-13
Water flow from the storage tanks to the loading stations is provided by the 350 and 125 GPM discharge
pumps. The pumps are connected in parallel and supply water on demand at a rate determined by the
nozzles, discharge hoses, or bag filler connections. If discharge demand is less than the capacity of one
pump, the other pump can be shut down and the related pump valves closed. For detailed water pump prin-
ciples of operation, refer to TM 5-4320-304-14 or TM 10-4320-309-14 (125 GPM pump) and TM
5-4320-226-14 (350 GPM pump).
Discharge water is treated by the hypochlorination unit before arriving at the loading stations. The hypochlo-
rination unit mixes a hypochlorite solution with the water in correct proportion to water flow. For detailed hy-
pochlorination unit principles of operation, refer to TM 10-4610-233-13&P,
Loading stations dispense water to field users. Hose and nozzle dispensers allow filling of water tank trailers
(water buffaloes,) water bags, buckets, and related storage containers.
Observe all Warning, Cautions and Notes in this manual. This equipment can be dangerous or maybe dam-
aged if these instructions are not followed.