TM 10-4930-220-13&P4-16. Installation Of Tie Down Kit For 5-ton Trailer (M1061A1).This task covers:InstallationINITIAL SETUPToolsTool Kit, General Mechanic’s (Appendix B, Section III, item 2).MaterialsTiedown Kit for 5-Ton Trailer M1061A1 (Appendix F, Figure F-4)Stowage Box Assembly (Appendix F, Figure F-5)a.General. These installation instructions outline the procedures and provide descriptive illustrations toinstall a single 600 gallon, Liquid Dispensing Tank Unit, 97403/13217E7080 onto a modified M1061A1, 5-Ton Trailer.b. Sequence. It is not necessary to follow the installation procedures in the sequence presented; however,it will be advantageous to become familiar with these procedures prior to starting installation so that they can berearranged, if necessary, in an efficient sequence, suitable to existing facilities.Handling equipment safety precautions and those for the facility, warnings andcautions specified in technical manuals supplied with the equipment will be re-viewed and strictly observed. Failure to do so could result in personnel injuryor fatality and/or damage to the equipment.(1) Tightening of Hardware. Hardware will be tightened in accordance with requirements specifiedin Appendix B, Section V(2) Dimensions. Dimensions specified in this procedure are in decimal inches. A table of fractionalequivalents is supplied at the end of this procedure.c.Installation Procedure.NOTEPrior to start of installation, verify that all items listed in Appendix F,Figure F-4 and Figure F–5 are actually present.Figure 4–7. Accessories Stowage Box Installation.4-16
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