TM 10-5430-240-13&P
0017 00
0017 00-4
17. Once adhesive is tacky, bring ends of patch together (adhesive side out), and position center of
patch onto center of hole as shown.
18. Smooth the patch with the edge of your hand, one end at a time. Avoid any air bubbles.
19. Use a roller, or equivalent, to firmly roll down the entire patch, from center of patch out toward the
edges to prevent formation of air bubbles.
20. If a second patch is being applied, proceed with step 21, below; otherwise proceed to step 23.
Maximum shelf life of mixed adhesive is listed in Table 2. If a second patch is to be applied,
ensure that it is done within the time limit. Repair will not succeed if the mixed adhesive sits
too long.
21. Let first patch set for a few (approximately 2 to 3) minutes.
22. Repeat steps 15 through 19, above, to apply second (outside) patch. Outside patch must be aligned
with inside patch (outline of inside patch will be visible).
23. Allow repair to set until cured before flexing fabric or putting tank back into service. Approximate
curing times are listed in Table 3.
Times are for a thickness of approximately 0.10 inches (0.25 cm). Times will be
reduced for thicker sections and extended for thinner sections.
Table 3. Curing Time for Fabric Repairs.
Use Involving Movement No
Loading or Immersion
Full or Mechanical
or Thermal Loading
Immersion in
41°F (5°C)
6 hours
72 hours
120 hours
50°F (10°C)
4 hours
48 hours
84 hours
59°F (15°C)
3 hours
48 hours
72 hours
68°F (20°C)
2 hours
24 hours
60 hours
77°F (25°C)
1.5 hours
24 hours
48 hours
86°F (30°C)
1 hour
24 hours
36 hours