TM 10-8110-201-14&P5-3Table 5-2. TroubleshootingMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONDRUM ASSEMBLY (FUEL AND WATER)1. Front and Rear Plates Leak.Step 1. Inspect for loose, damaged or missing capscrews.Replace damaged or missing capscrews. Tighten capscrews. Tightencapscrews to 30 foot-pounds (4.15 m-kg) torque.Step 2. Inspect for damaged front and rear plate or missing components.If plates are unserviceable, replace the drum (para 3-6).PRESS ASSEMBLIES, VULCANIZING2. Fabric of Drum Leak.Inspect drums for cuts, punctures or abrasions through all plies.Vulcanize a damaged drum as instructed in paragraph 5-15.APPLICATION OF ELASTOMER3. Scuffs and Abrasions.Inspect exterior of drums for scuffs or abrasions where the fabric is exposed but not damaged.Apply Elastomer to damaged drums as instructed in paragraph 5-14.Section III. GENERAL MAINTENANCE5-7. General Information for Vulcnizing Drums.a. The efficiency of adequate vulcanization depends uponproper cleaning and buffing, correct application and dryingof cements, and strict adherence to the established curingcycle.b. The material used for patching shall be identical to thematerial being patched.N0TEThe collapsible drums are supplied by threevendors: The United States Rubber Company;B.F. Goodrich Rubber Company; and UniroyalInc. Patching materials are not interchangeablebetween the drums manufactured by the vendors.C. Do not attempt any repair within one inch of the out-side diameter of the end plate or on hardware sealingsurfaces.d. All patches will be vulcanized.e.forcordNOTECuts, punctures, or abrasions through all plies,in excess of 8 inches (20 cm) in length, will notbe repaired.An outside patch is mandatorygouges,cuts or scrapes, if theis damaged (para. 5-15). Cuts,punctures and abrasions through allplies up to 8 inches (20 cm) requireinside and outside patches.f. Refer to figure 5-1 for a typical shop layout plan fora drum vulcanizing repair facility.NOTEParagraphs 5-8 and 5-9 are included to providemaintenance instructions for replacement ofdrum hardware when vulcanizing procedures are not required; however, all drums must be drainedand cleaned, as necessary, in accordance withparagraphs 5-10 thru 5-13 prior to any repairprocedures.
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